A New Chapter for 3d-palace: Bridging Past and Future

Hello to our dedicated 3d-palace community!

It’s been a whirlwind of activity behind the scenes, and I wanted to take a moment to share some updates with all of you.

Firstly, I’ve been diving deep into the world of Unreal Engine 5. The capabilities and potential of this engine are genuinely groundbreaking, and I’m excited about the vast opportunities it presents for our community. As we venture into this new territory, I’m committed to bringing you content that not only educates but also inspires.

While my focus has shifted towards UE5, the essence of what 3d-palace stands for remains unchanged. Our mission has always been to provide top-notch tutorials, resources, and a platform for artists to grow and share. This commitment remains steadfast.

I’ve also been engaging with many of you on our Facebook page, and it’s been heartwarming to see the veteran users returning and new members joining. Your feedback has been invaluable, and I’ve taken note of the preference for recorded lessons. Rest assured, I’m working diligently to create content that aligns with your preferences.

Lastly, while the memories of our 3ds Max tutorials are cherished, the evolution of 3d-palace means embracing new tools and techniques. Due to various constraints, I won’t be producing new 3ds Max-specific tutorials. However, the journey ahead with UE5 promises to be just as, if not more, enriching.

Thank you for being a part of 3d-palace’s journey. Your support, feedback, and passion drive this community forward. Here’s to the exciting road ahead, and I’m thrilled to have you all by my side.

Warm regards, Cris

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